Using workflows ensures that business processes are completed correctly every time.
Integrity for your important business processes
A workflow is a series of steps that are necessary to complete a task or process. It usually involves different stages, decisions, and participants. And can used to ensure consistency and integrity in implementing and completing business processes.
Workflows can be created to efficiently complete often repeated processes or can be quite complex for business processes requiring many steps and interaction from multiple team members.
Creating and implementing workflows provides an organisation with the ability to efficiently complete important business processes correctly and to ensure that all steps in the process are completed in the correct order.
his is particularly important for employee-related processes (employee onboarding, employee resignations, salary changes, etc.) to ensure that all the required steps and sequences for each process are completed by the appropriate person in the organisation.
Using workflows provides integrity for your important business processes.
Corethix Workflows module
Corethix recognises the importance of ensuring that all the steps in a business process are consistently completed correctly and has developed a workflow module to address this issue. The Corethix Workflows module is simple to configure and is capable of configuring basic to very complex business processes.
The workflows module has been designed to transform common business processes into pre-configured workflows to increase overall efficiency and minimise costly human error. The key features include;
- An unlimited number of workflows can be configured, from a simple checklist to complex routing rules.
- Route workflows across multi-functional departments
- Workflows can be made available to all or selected users
- Email notifications are sent to users when action is required for a workflow
- Real-time dashboard, which shows the status of all workflows, plus a detailed data table for checking and analysis.
Simple configuration
The first step to configuring a business process workflow is to specify the levels or swim lanes that you wish to use to route the workflow between users in your organisation. Each level is assigned to a user and specifies actions or inputs required from that user before the workflow proceeds to the next level (and user).
Once the workflow levels have been configured, the next step is to define the actions and input requirements for each of the levels. This can include answering questions, inputting data or confirming a checklist of items. The Corethix workflows module allows for a multiple number of inputs, including;
- Date and file upload.
- Responding to questions with either text or selecting from pre-configured multi-choice lists.
- Confirming a checklist of items has been completed.
- Confirming that a video has been reviewed
Rather than creating a new workflow template, the Corethix workflows module also includes an option to import a workflow template from the Corethix library that can be edited to suit your requirements.
Email notifications
When a workflow progresses to a new level, the Corethix platform will automatically send an email to the user for the new level, alerting them that a workflow requires their attention.
An email notification is also sent to the initiating user when the workflow has been completed.
Realtime dashboard and data table
The Corethix workflows module includes a real-time dashboard showing the details and progress status of all workflows that have been initiated in the organisation. The dashboard consists of graphs and widgets to provide a high-level view, plus a detailed data table, which can be used to drill down and analyse the data for each Workflow.
The data table shows the details for each workflow, including the initiator, start date, reference, status and, importantly, the current user. The current user is the user required to complete the actions for the workflow to enable it to continue to the next level or to be completed. If the progress of a workflow is being delayed, then the administrator can take the appropriate follow-up actions.
The workflow data table also enables administrators to view each workflow level and the details of the inputs and actions that have been added for each level.
Regular review and proactive management.
The success of any program to ensure important business processes are consistently completed correctly requires developing pre-configured workflows that define the order of steps and tasks that specific people in the organisation are required to complete.
It also requires a regular review of the progress of the workflows to proactively ensure that business processes are completed correctly and promptly. This is best achieved by having an up-to-date and detailed workflow dashboard with analytics to provide real-time status of business process workflows and a display of all the key data to allow proactive management and follow-up.
The Corethix Workflows module has been specifically designed to help any size organisation ensure important business processes are completed the right way, every time.
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