multi choice – for the users to pick the single correct answer from a selection.
checkbox – for the users to enter multiple correct answers.
star type – for the users to select a rating point from 5 standard or customisable rating levels.
single and multi-textbox – for the users to input a text response into a single line or multi line textbox.
comment textbox – for the users to input comments.
date – for the users to input a specific date.
file upload – for the users to upload files or photos.
For advanced administrators, points can be allocated against each response to provide a more detailed analysis of the survey responses. The points against each question can be ‘-‘ or ‘+’ to provide a bias to correct and incorrect answers.
The updated Survey module is now available to all Corethix customers, plus there is a new version of the training manual in the Tutorial section which provides the details of how to create and launch surveys.