Uncover more incidents through easy incident reporting

Key features

  • Provide a centralised incident reporting platform
  • Configure investigator(s) who will be alerted when incidents are reported
  • Invite additional investigators to join the case to assist with resolving the incident
  • Utilise secure 2-way communications between the User and investigation team for clarification and feedback
  • Detailed Dashboard makes it easy to identify issues and manage incidents at a single glance.

How to effectively manage declarations & incident reporting

Every organisation, regardless of its size, industry or maturity is exposed to conduct risks such as fraud, corruption, conflicts of interest and employee misconduct.
One of the key steps in managing conduct risk is to proactively manage declarations and incident reports submitted by employees and contractors.

Corethix has been specifically designed to help any size organisation proactively and effectively manage employee and contractor declarations and incident reporting.

1. Ensure all declarations and incidents are logged and investigated

Every organisation has a requirement to ensure that all employees and contractors can easily submit declarations and incident reports and that these reports are logged, investigated and actioned.

The Corethix declarations and incident reporting module provides a central cloud based repository for logging and managing all types of workplace declarations and incidents. There is no limit to the number of declaration and incident categories which can be easily assigned to be reviewed by specific users.

2. Ensure all declarations and incident reports can be easily uploaded into a single database.

All workplace declarations and incident reports need to be easily uploaded onto a single database to ensure that they are reviewed and actioned in a timely manner as well as logged in the database for historical analysis.
That means storing declarations and incident reports on an internal intranet can be a problem as it does not allow employees and contractors to have mobile accessibility to view and upload any declarations or incident reports.
Best practice is to use a cloud based software platform to provide access for all employees and contractors which will also allow access by mobile devices.

Corethix is a cloud based software platform that allows easy access for all employees and contractors anywhere, anytime and on any device.

3. Ensure that all declarations and incident reports are reviewed and actioned.

All employee and contractor declarations and incident reports need to be reviewed by the appropriate manager(s), escalated if needed, and actioned in accordance with the organisations policies and legal requirements.

Corethix includes a declarations and incident report case management framework that supports 2-way communication, arbitrage and delegation, setting report stages, monitoring actions and tracking time for completion.

4. Monitor the review, status and progress of declarations and incident reports.

It is important to be able to easily monitor and analyse the status and progress of employee and contractor declarations and incident reports so that, if required, follow up actions can be implemented.
This requires all declarations and incident reports to be recorded and presented in a format that highlights the review status, case notes, recommended actions and completion details.

Corethix has a detailed declarations and incident reporting dashboard that provides a real-time display of key data of declarations and incident reports including review status, case notes, recommended actions and completion of investigation. The dashboard highlights problem areas such as declarations and incident reports not reviewed or actioned promptly, as well as a library of historical data.‍

5. Send notifications, reminders and alerts when declarations and incident reports need action or have not been investigated promptly.

In addition to monitoring declaration and incident reports status, notifications need to be sent to relevant reviewers when any reports are submitted and to support 2-way communication between the employees or contractors and the reviewers.
The timing for completion of the report investigation also needs to be tracked and notifications need to be sent to administrators to alert them when a report has not been investigated promptly.

Corethix continuously monitors the status and review of all declarations and incident reports and sends notifications and alerts to nominated reviewers when a declaration or incident report has been submitted, when action is required or when a report has not been investigated promptly.

6. Regular review and proactive management

The success of any program to manage declarations and incident reports requires a regular review of all the key elements to proactively ensure all reports have been reviewed by the appropriate member of staff, escalated if required, and actioned promptly.
Details of all declarations and incident reports that are submitted should all be recorded and able to be easily analysed.
This is best achieved by having a real-time dashboard with analytics to provide a real-time display of all the key data to allow proactive management, up to-date reporting and an audit trail of historical data.‍
This provides a very effective way to help organisations take a key step in managing conduct risk by proactively managing declarations and incident reports.

Corethix has been specifically designed to help any size organisation effectively manage declarations and incident reports.
Please contact us at [email protected] if you would like to get more details or if you would like to start a free 30 day trial.


Make reporting incidents that occur in the workplace quick and easy, anytime from any device
Nominate a trusted person to investigate incidents and keep track of cases with analytics
Enable 2-way communication between investigator and user and record all communications

Discover how to make incident reporting pain-free for your people

Corethix is a conduct risk solution that helps organisations create a culture of integrity by engaging all of your people on their key employment, risk and compliance obligations whilst providing a holistic view of how conduct risk is being managed across the business.

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